The Temple Inn & Suites

Services Offered

Specialized Services

  • Free access to changing and bathroom facilities for temple patrons who have traveled far
    and need to change to and from church clothes
  • A playroom and low-cost, short-term babysitting services for the children of patrons
  • Long-term stay accommodations in kitchenette suites for full-time temple missionaries
  • Temple history themed reception and sitting area
  • A wedding reception hall that can be easily customized with a simple catering menu and kitchen access
    for food preparation and serving
  • A family search center that supports family search and ordinance work
  • On premises laundrette and dry-cleaning service

Free Amenities

  • Breakfast
  • Exercise/Workout room
  • Indoor pool
  • WiFi high-speed internet access aand smart TVs
  • Parking
  • Temple shuttle
  • Family history consultation and family ordinance card service

Need a Wedding Reception?

Navigate to Our Reception Venues

Wedding Reception Image

Are you a Full-Time Missionary?

See What We Have For Your Long Stay: Missionary Suites

Missionary Couple Image

Contact Us

☎: +380 081 771 7116