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Gone with the Wind by Melinda Cedras

I went to Idaho to get an overall weather review for an article I was writing. I couldn't seem to find a good source to get information from. My company decided to allow me to stay in Preston for a week to determine what a regular day's weather was like. My flight landed midnight in Preston so I couldn't accurately tell what it felt like in the day. When I woke up, I saw some trees waving from side to side, but I didn't take much notice. I had my breakfast and prepared myself to retrieve data from Preston. What a surprise! The wind blew so hard! People, strangers, who never knew each other had to hold each other just to cross the roads. Spectacles blew into the abyss, dogs decided to take an off day, and an official request was sent from the Sheriff's Office for all residents to stay indoors until the wind dies down. I'm glad that my flight didn;t arrive today! What an experience it is in Preston. Nonetheless, Preston is a beautiful, friendly city!

Contact Information

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22E 3rd N
Preston, ID 83263
☎ 123-456-789